ADM Adria
The ADM-Adria approach
Based on our experience, we have developed our own "à la ADM-Adria approach", which allows us to better capture the client's wishes and needs and, consequently, to successfully implement the project.
We are happy to listen to potential and existing business partners and advise them on the suitability of a particular business solution.
Project preparation and implementation
Together with the client, we draw up an implementation project plan and execute it according to the set time and content targets.
Development, implementations and upgrades
A professional and certified technical team carries out implementations and upgrades of business software solutions.
We offer regular maintenance of business software solutions (maintenance contract) and post-implementation maintenance.
Education and training
We offer training to our business partners, tailored to the client's knowledge, needs and time availability. At the same time, we organise participation in certified training courses at the manufacturers of the business software solutions offered.
Why should you trust us?
We are certified experts in business software solutions produced by Quest Software Inc. and One Identity Inc. We are highly trusted by both vendors, which is why they have awarded us the highest partner status - Platinum+ Partner.

Categories business software solutions
The solution is not only the purchase of the appropriate licence, but also the complete implementation in the customer's environment.

Identity and access management
Identity and Access Management

Data protection
Data Protection

Data and database management
Data and Database Management

Managing Microsoft platforms
Microsoft Platform Management

Performance monitoring
Performance Monitoring

Endpoint systems management
Endpoint systems management
Latest news

Upravljanje identitet: zakaj je pomembno?
UPRAVLJANJE IDENTITET V PODJETJIH OLAJŠA MARSIKATERO OPRAVILO, ZA KATERO SMO ŠE PRED LETI POTREBOVALI VELIKO VEČ ČASA, SREDSTEV IN ZAPOSLENIH. Če podjetje upravlja »Active directory« (aktivni imenik) in pristopa k upravljanju identitet skozi jasno definirana pravila, to kaže na zrelost podjetja in njegovih procesov. Gre za shranjevanje informacij o uporabnikih, računalnikih in drugih virih v […]

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Osnove upravljanje identitet: Gradnja temeljev digitalne sigurnosti
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