Foglight for Virutalization – Enterprise Edition is dedicated to a detailed review and optimisation of VMware and Hyper-V environments. With this tool we have a complete overview of the network traffic, bottlenecks and available bandwidth of our virtualised environment.
The properties of Foglight for Virtualization – Enterprise Edition:
- Visibility – na enem mestu vidimo dogajanje na vseh naših virtualnih okoljih. Z nekaj preprostimi drill-down kliki, hitro odkrijemo težavo in s tem povečamo odzivnost sistema. Ker z orodjem nadziramo tudi OS, imamo možnost pregleda nad soodvisnostmi posameznih komponent.
- Change control - an overview of when, what and by whom changes were made to the system allows us to restore the status quo ante in the event of problems.
- Planning and dimensioning of computer components - makes it easy to monitor current system loads, identify bottlenecks, analyse alternative scenarios, plan for growth in resource needs.
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