Odkrivanje in popravljanje napak na PostgreSQL bazah z rešitvijo Foglight

Foglight for PostgreSQL, kot ostala orodja iz skupine Foglight na enem mestu omogoča hiter, granularen in v realnem času vpogled v delovanje baznega okolja baze PostgreSQL. Z uporabo tega orodja lahko DBA hitro in odkriva, diagnosticira in odpravlja napake v delovanju baznega okolja. Z inteligentnim avtomatično prilagodljivim sistemom opozarjanja na ozka grla in sprememb nastavitev, lahko DBA proaktivno prepreči težave v produkcijskem okolju. 

Basic features of Foglight for PostgreSQL:

  • Visibility - With simple, transparent and configurable dashboards, DBAs can instantly detect performance issues, including server load, number of connections, database size and other parameters that affect the responsiveness of the environment. By having a simultaneous view of server and database performance, it is possible to cross-check the interdependencies of the database environment. With simple drill-down clicks, the DBA can identify the causes of problems and correct them before a serious degradation in the environment's responsiveness occurs.
  • Locking - in the event that individual sessions are locked to each other, the DBA can identify who is locking who, the method of locking and release the desired resources with a few clicks.
  • SQL statement analysis –  z globokim vpogledom v izvajanje SQL stavkov, lahko hitro in preprosto analiziramo način izvajanja SQL stavkov in jih po potrebi prilagodimo.
  • Built-in repository - with a built-in database, which does not require an additional licence, that records important information about what is happening on the database, it is possible to see how a sentence has been executed in the past. 


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