V četrtek, 26. maja 2022, med 9.30 in 13.30 organiziramo konferenco “Quest Data Empower Slovenia”.
Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku, z gosti in predavatelji iz tujine, zato je tudi nadaljevanje vabila v angleškem jeziku.
Data Empowerment aligns data operations, data protection and data governance solutions to deliver fast, accurate and relevant data insights for digital transformation.
Helping both IT and the business understand enterprise data and the systems that manage and protect it ensures the availability of an accurate, real-time, high-quality data pipeline on which to make day-to-day operational and larger strategic decisions.
It empowers CDOs, CIOs, CTOs, CISOs and other data enthusiasts.
Such solutions can be deployed anywhere to harness any data from any source, enabling faster, data-driven decisions by enabling everyone in the organization to be more productive and effective.
That’s what it means to be data empowered and therefore truly a data-driven enterprise.
(9.00 – 9.30) Registration & Coffee
( 9.30 – 10.15) “The Foundation of Data Governance & Intelligence”
– Understanding your data architecture and what is expected of it
– Advantages of data empowerment – utilising active metadata
– Empowering business users with visibility of the data in a self-served manner
(10.15 – 11.00) ‘‘Data Intelligence & Data Governance Use Cases”
– Business Driven Use Cases
– IT Driven Use Cases
(11.00 – 11.30) Break
(11.30 – 12.30) “Improve performance across your entire on-premises and cloud database environment /Foglight for DB&Evolve/”
– What if you could use a single, intuitive console to monitor all your diverse database platforms? You’d save money, decrease complexity, increase efficiency and proactively improve performance.
– We can help you achieve those goals.
(12.30 – 13.00) “Data replication use case scenarios /SharePlex/“
– Improving database performance and ensuring high availability before, during, and after database upgrades and migrations to the cloud
– Since 1997, this technology has simplified data replication for customers in varying industries worldwide, including many Fortune 500 companies. There is no reason not to be one of them.
(13.00 – 13.30) “Q&A“
(13.30 ) Lunch
Zatorej vabljeni na konferenco prav vsi, ki se srečujete s podatkovnimi izzivi.

Ales Zeman
Manager Presales & Professional Services EMEA
Quest | Information Management
Ales Zeman has been working with Quest Software for over 19 years. He is Head of the Sales Engineering & Professional Services Department in Europe, Middle East and Africa in the area of Information Management. He is responsible for solutions for application and database performance management. He has a master in computer science and has more than 28 years of IT experience.

Richard Adams
Data Intelligence Suite Solution Strategist EMEA
Quest | Information Management
Richard Adams joined erwin by Quest in February 2020 and has been instrumental in driving increasing sales of the erwin Data Intelligence Suite across the EMEA market. This has been made possible through the customer centric approach Quest has whereby products and services are enhanced based on the feedback from the customers, partners, and the market. Prior to joining Quest, Richard worked for a variety of companies in differing industries but always in data management or governance roles. This allows him to greatly empathise with customers and their challenges to ensure the products and features selected are relevant to their data governance journey.
Datum: 26. 5. 2022 ob 9.00
Lokacija: Hotel STIL, Litijska c.188, Ljubljana
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