Change Auditor is a solution that gives you full control over changes in real time. This ensures better availability and less downtime, higher productivity, proactive control and forensic monitoring of all events in the systems.
Do you want a free trial of Change Auditor solution?
Let us know and we will be happy to provide you with a free version for a 30-day trial period!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Change Auditor for Active Directory je rešitev, ki nudi v realnem času popoln nadzor nad spremembami za Active Directory (AD) in Azure Active Directory (AD).
Do you want a free trial of Change Auditor for Active Directory?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Change Auditor for Exchange nadzoruje (sledi, revidira, poroča in opozarja) vse kritične skupine, poštne predale in spremembe (privatne/javne) na Exchange.
Do you want a free trial of Change Auditor for Exchange?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Change Auditor for SQL Server je rešitev, ki spremlja, poroča in opozarja na kritične spremembe na SQL strežnikih.
Do you want a free trial of Change Auditor for SQL Server?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Change Auditor for SharePoint je rešitev, ki nudi enostavnejšo in hitrejšo vzpostavitev varnega SharePoint okolja (SharePoint, SharePoint Online in OneDrive for Business).
Do you want a free trial of Change Auditor for SharePoint?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Change Auditor for Windows File Servers spremlja, poroča in opozarja na kritične spremembe na Windows File strežnikih.
Do you want a free trial of Change Auditor for Windows File Servers?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955
- Skype for Business (predstavitveni letak v angleškem jeziku!)
- VMware vCenter (predstavitveni letak v angleškem jeziku!)
EMC (predstavitveni letak v angleškem jeziku!)
NetApp (predstavitveni letak v angleškem jeziku!)
Logon Activity (predstavitveni letak v angleškem jeziku!)
Threat Detection (predstavitveni letak v angleškem jeziku!)
Active Directory Queries (predstavitveni letak v angleškem jeziku!)

The solution InTrust solution receives, securely collects and stores event data (Log) from different systems (Windows, Unix/Linux, MacOS, etc.)
Do you want a free trial of InTrust solution?
Let us know and we will be happy to provide you with a free version for a 30-day trial period!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

The solution Enterprise Reporter is designed to simplify the compliance of the Microsoft environment from a security and reporting perspective.
Enterprise Reporter improves the compliance of key Microsoft IT systems:
- Active Directory (AD) / Azure Active Directory (AD)
- Exchange
- Office 365
- Windows servers
- SQL Server
- File Storage Analysis
Do you want a free trial of Enterprise Reporter solution?
Let us know and we will be happy to provide you with a free version for a 30-day trial period!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Recovery Manager is a solution that restores system numbers in a simple and effective way after a fault or failure.
- One Identity flyer Recovery Manager for Active Directory – AD (in English!)
- One Identity flyer Recovery Manager for Exchange (in English!)
Recovery Manager prevents data loss and ensures business continuity after a failure by quickly restoring the system. The effectiveness of Recovery Manager is particularly evident in the following systems:
- Active Directory (AD)
- Exchange in Exchange Online
Do you want a free trial of Recovery Manager solution?
Let us know and we will be happy to provide you with a free version for a 30-day trial period!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

The solution IT Security Search connects different data from different solutions and allows forensic search of the collected data in an interactive search engine.
IT Security Search can link data from other Quest solutions:
- Change Auditor
- InTrust solution
- Enterprise Reporter
- Recovery Manager
Do you want a free trial of IT Security Search solution?
Let us know and we will be happy to provide you with a free version for a 30-day trial period!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Migration Manager is a solution for migrating and consolidating systems, data and accounts. Everything is done without any particular impact on users or the organisation's business.
The effectiveness of Migration Manager is particularly evident when migrating the following systems:
- Active Directory (AD)
- Exchange
- SharePoint
- Office 365
The high efficiency of the solution is reflected in the fact that Migration Manager has been used to migrate:
- 86 million Active Directory (AD) users
- 68 million Exchange and Office 365 mailboxes
Do you want a free trial of Migration Manager solution?
Let us know and we will be happy to provide you with a free version for a 30-day trial period!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Metalogix is a solution for moving, managing and protecting SharePoint, OneDrive and Office365 content.
Do you want a free trial of Metalogix?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Metalogix Expert je brezplačno analitično orodje za uspešno migracijo SharePoint okolja.
Do you want a brezplačno rešitev Metalogix Expert?
Sporočite nam in z veseljem vam bomo priskrbeli rešitev brezplačno za testiranje in uporabo!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Metalogix ControlPoint je rešitev namenjena upravljanju dostopnih dovoljenj, nadzoru in poročanju o aktivnostih uporabnikov za SharePoint.
Do you want a free trial of Metalogix ControlPoint?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Metalogix Sensitive Content Manager je modul s katerim se nadgradi rešitev Metalogix ControlPoint in služi upravljanju okolja SharePoint in preprečevanju izgube podatkov.
Do you want a free trial modula Metalogix Sensitive Content Manager?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Metalogix Essentials for Office 365 je rešitev za pred-migracijsko analizo, migracijo in upravljanje okolja O365.
Do you want a free trial of Metalogix Essentials for O365?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Metalogix Backup for SharePointje zmogljiva rešitev za hitro varnostno kopiranje in obnovitev občutljivih SharePoint vsebin.
Do you want a free trial of Metalogix Backup for SharePoint?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Metalogix Archive Manager for Exchange je rešitev za avtomatično arhiviranje in varno upravljanje elektronske pošte.
Do you want a free trial of Metalogix Archive Manager for Exchange?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Metalogix Archive Manager for Files je rešitev za avtomatično arhiviranje in varno upravljanje podatkovnih datotek.
Do you want a free trial of Metalogix Archive Manager for Files?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Metalogix StoragePoint je rešitev za optimizacijo SharePoint podatkovnega prostora z rešitvijo Remote BLOB Storage (RBS).
Do you want a free trial of Metalogix StoragePoint?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Binary Tree solutions enable large-scale transformations of Microsoft 365, Active Directory, Azure AD, Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive for Business and Teams without end-user disruption. The solutions are scalable, flexible, ISO certified to achieve the highest levels of security and enable a high level of control.
Do you want a free trial of Binary Tree Solutions?
Let us know and we will be happy to provide you with a free 30 day free trial.
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Binary Tree Power365 Integration includes everything from Binary TreePower365 Migration and adds same-day collaboration capabilities between multiple Office 365 users.
Do you want a free trial of Binary Tree Power365 Integration?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Quest's Binary Tree Power365® Integration includes everything from Binary Tree Power365 Integration and adds unlimited merged domains with automatic email address rewriting and domain transfers with no period of unavailability. Prevent user disruption and ensure a unified brand identity on both inbox and outbox emails for Office 365 users.
Do you want a free trial of Binary Tree Power365 Integration Pro?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Create productivity and collaboration on day one for mergers and acquisitions with Binary Tree Power365® Directory Sync by Quest. Now users in merging organisations can find each other in a shared directory when you set up and maintain synchronisation between AD or Azure AD environments - all for productivity and collaboration on Day 1.
Do you want a free trial of Binary Tree Power365 Directory Syncntegration Pro?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Solve directory migration and consolidation challenges with Quest for Active Directory's powerful SaaS solution, Binary Tree Power365®. Integrate and migrate Active Directory, Azure Active Directory and hybrid directory environments without the need for trust, SQL, network connectivity or server deployment.
Do you want a free trial of Binary Tree Power365 for Active Directory?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Automate and simplify your enterprise Exchange migrations to modern versions of Exchange or even to Microsoft 365 with Quest for Exchange's Binary Tree Migrator Pro. Move users and mail - including public folders - while administrators can manage the entire migration with powerful scheduling and automation from a convenient console.
Do you want a free trial of Binary Tree Migrator Pro for Exchange?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Merge, consolidate or restructure your AD environment with Quest for Active Directory's on-premises Binary Tree Migrator Pro solution. Securely migrate objects, settings and properties and automate your migration while keeping migrated and non-migrated users, devices and applications in sync.
Do you want a free trial of Binary Tree Migrator Pro for Active Directory?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Binary Tree Directory Sync Pro sets up and maintains synchronisation between multiple environments during a merge or acquisition. Now users in merging organisations can find each other in a shared directory, gain free/busy visibility and communicate freely, making collaboration and productivity easier.
Do you want a free trial of Binary Tree Directory Sync Pro?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Automate your migration from Notes/Domain to Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft 365 with Binary Tree Migrator from Quest for Notes. Migrate mailboxes and archives to the destination of your choice with unparalleled data accuracy, admin dashboard and continuous calendar management. Easily create schedules, track status and configure processes.
Do you want a free trial of Binary Tree Migrator for Notes?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

Preserve valuable archives after migrating, discovering, selecting and duplicating Notes mail archives that users have stored locally, all powered by Binary Tree Archive Migrator by Quest for Notes. There is no limit to the number of local archives you can migrate, and no restrictions on operating system, resources or targets.
Do you want a free trial of Binary Tree Archive Migrator for Notes?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955

When migrating from Notes to Microsoft Exchange or Office 365, your end users still need to be collaborative and productive. Quest for Notes' binary tree integration will allow them to work seamlessly with improved coexistence of address book information, email, calendar entries, calendar free/busy availability and email-enabled applications.
Do you want a free trial of Binary Tree Integration for Notes?
Let us know and we'll be happy to provide you with a free 30-day trial!
We are at your disposal for further information!
info[@]adm-adria.eu or +386 59 251 955