The importance of Data Modeling and Data Intelligence to the Data-Driven Business
V sredo, 29. marca 2023, med 10.00 in 12.00 organiziramo dogodek “The importance of Data Modeling and Data Intelligence to the Data-Driven Business“.
Takšne rešitve so lahko uporabljene za pridobivanje podatkov iz najrazličnejših virov. Poleg tega omogočajo tudi hitrejšo odločanje na podlagi podatkov, tako da omogoča vsem zaposlenim, da so bolj produktivni in efektivni.
Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku, z gosti in predavatelji iz tujine.
- Erwin Data Modeler (45 min) – Speaker: Geoff Hodgkinson
- Data Modeling (10 min)
- What is data modeling and why is it important?
- Which are the key benefits of data modeling?
- Erwin Data Modeler (35 min)
- Product introduction, functionality demonstration.
- Enterprise scale modeling.
- Collaboration in data modeling.
- Sharing models with the business user community.
- What do you do next when you are “done” with your data modeling?
- Product introduction, functionality demonstration.
- Q/A -> questions are welcomed, throughout the event. (10 min)
- Data Modeling (10 min)
- Break (15 min)
- Erwin Data Intelligence (45 min) – Speaker: Ghina Dani
- Data Governance overview (15 min)
- Data Governance overview.
- Data challenges organizations are facing.
- Importance of Data Management and Data Governance tools.
- Erwin Data Intelligence (30 min)
- Erwin DI strengths, capabilities and general use cases it can adress.
- Erwin DI key features.
- Why companies are choosing erwin Data Intelligence.
- Q/A -> questions are welcomed, throughout the event. (10 min)
- Data Governance overview (15 min)
Datum: 29. 3. 2023 ob 10.00
Lokacija: Teams – podatke za dostop vam pošljemo po prejemu registracije.
Udeležba je brezplačna. Prijava je možna do vključno 29.3.2023
ADM Adria
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