
Diagnostika delovanja baz z rešitvijo Spotlight

Spotlight je orodje namenjeno diagnostiki delovanja baznih okolij. Za razliko od Foglighta, je namenjeno predvsem odkrivanju težav in ne toliko rednemu nadzoru. V verziji Spotlight Enterprise, it does just that. 

Basic features of Spotlight are:

  • Visibility - see how the entire database environment works in one place through an intuitive graphical interface. As there is also a built-in connection to the OS, we can also control the operation of the servers.
  • Historical data - The tool stores in its database the events, the flow and execution of SQL statements, the resources needed to execute each statement and run the environment, and any changes to the settings. Historical data is intended for tracking events on a daily basis rather than storing a long history of events. If you would like to have a better view of the history, then we recommend using the tool Foglight for Databases.
  • Automatic problem notification - a built-in problem notification system that can notify the person in charge via email, SMS or console alarm of malfunctions, lack of resources, long-lasting locks, etc.
  • The addition of SQL Optimizer and, for example, the Top SQL view, we can find and optimise the most complex SQL statements in a simple way.


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