Foglight for IBM DB2 LUW – je orodje s pomočjo, katerega imamo popoln nadzor nad delovanjem DB2 okolja instaliranega na Linux in system z. Podpira vse operacijske sisteme, ki jih podpira IBM. S pomočjo Foglight for DB« LUW pospešite reševanje težav s tem zmogljivim nadzornim orodjem. Izkoristite nenehno oddaljeno spremljanje baz podatkov in povežite podatke o delovanju in si s tem omogočite nemoteno delovanje baz podatkov.
Basic features of Foglight for DB2 LUW:
- Visibility - With simple, transparent and configurable dashboards, DBAs can instantly detect performance issues, including server load, number of connections, database size and other parameters that affect the responsiveness of the environment. By having a simultaneous view of server and database performance, it is possible to cross-check the interdependencies of the database environment. With simple drill-down clicks, the DBA can identify the causes of problems and correct them before a serious degradation in the environment's responsiveness occurs.
- Locking - in the event that individual sessions are locked to each other, the DBA can identify who is locking who, the method of locking and release the desired resources with a few clicks.
- SQL statement analysis – z globokim vpogledom v izvajanje SQL stavkov, lahko hitro in preprosto analiziramo način izvajanja SQL stavkov in jih po potrebi prilagodimo.
- Vgrajena inteligenca - provides a flexible alert system for environmental problems, and in some cases advises on the appropriate response to a problem, allowing a quicker response.
- Built-in repository - provides a rich insight into the historical data of the database and its interdependent environment.
- Easier reporting - thanks to the built-in report creation tool, the DBA does not waste time with the sometimes complicated programming of reports for different managements. With a simple drag&drop method, such a report can be produced in minutes.
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